WSDOT traffic website

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WSDOT traffic website visitors

Source: WSDOT Communications Office.

Note: There is no FY2022 data because WSDOT launched a new website that year.

Performance analysis


Impact of new WSDOT websites designs

Both the external WSDOT website and the internal (insideDOT) website were fully redesigned and went live in November 2021. Fiscal year (2023) was the first full data year for WSDOT to review the effects of the new design. One of the primary goals of the new design was to make a task-based site where it is very easy for constituents to find the information they need to complete their task (e.g. buy a pass, find a ferry schedule, check mountain pass reports) as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Extensive user research ahead of the design indicated that people using the website wanted to be in and out quickly while being able to complete all their desired tasks. This was accomplished and evidenced in the significant decrease of pageviews. On the old site, visitors often got lost in the different department-based sections or had to visit several different departments to find all the information they needed for their tasks. Now website visitors are much more likely to find everything they need on one page or only a few pages, resulting in about a quarter of the pageviews as in previous years.

WSDOT generates $35,457 in website ad revenue in FY2023

There was a 77% reduction of ad revenue in FY2023, which dropped to $35,457 compared to the $155,273 generated in FY2022. This change reflects user experience improvements made to the WSDOT website. The more efficient user experience means that users see fewer ads on the site. In FY2023, this resulted in a reduction in ad revenue, and WSDOT will continue working toward maintaining efficiency for users while also increasing ad revenue in coming years. Since the beginning of the program, ads have generated more than $1 million, which supports the agency's General Transportation Fund.


WSDOT websites roll out award-winning new designs

Both the external WSDOT website and the internal insideDOT website were fully redesigned using a mobile-first, user-centered design process. The new site designs went live in November 2021, and represent the first major overhaul of the external website in 15 years.

The old external site had 14,000 pages compared to the new site, which has fewer than 2,000 pages. Site users can now visit fewer pages to find the information they need to plan their travels, conduct business and learn more about WSDOT projects and programs.

"Digital tools are more important than ever, and people have expectations for being able to find the information they need to complete a task quickly and easily," said Secretary of Transportation Roger Millar. "We have worked hard to ensure our website meets those expectations and we're excited to share this new cleaner, less cluttered and easier to use tool."

The interactive travel map is also the first of its kind from an agency of this scale, offering information that is usable for site visitors who are colorblind.

The new, user-first, mobile-friendly WSDOT website image
Above: The new, user-first, mobile-friendly WSDOT website.
Below: The enhanced color palette on the new website provides increased accessibility on its traffic flow map.
The enhanced color palette on the new website provides increased accessibility on its traffic flow map image

New WSDOT website garners national awards

The new site has already won three awards for design and is in the running for four more.

Current awards include:

  • Anthem Awards — Bronze Winner for Responsible Technology Service
  • Communicator Awards — Award of Excellence in Website Redesign
  • Vega Awards — Arcturus Award in Government Websites

WSDOT generates over $155,000 in website ad revenue in FY2022

Starting in 2016, the legislature required the WSDOT website to explore opportunities for revenue generation on the site.

In FY2022, ads on the website generated $155,272.91 in revenue. Since the beginning of the program, ads have generated nearly $1 million (currently $970,000) which supports the agency's General Transportation Fund.


COVID-19 results in less WSDOT web visits

WSDOT's travel information website had about 120 million page views during FY2021, down 6.9% from FY2020. Gov. Jay Inslee's COVID-19 related Stay at Home order meant fewer people traveling, which resulted in less website traffic.

WSDOT website undergoing a redesign

Agency staff have started a mobile-first, user-centered design process to redesign the external website with a planned launch date of fall 2021.

FY2020 - GNB 78

WSDOT web traffic decreases due to COVID-19

WSDOT's travel information website had about 129 million page views during FY2020, down 20.9% from FY2019. The Governor's COVID-19 related Stay at Home order meant fewer people traveling, which resulted in less site traffic.

WSDOT website undergoing a redesign

Agency staff have started a mobile-first, user-centered design process to redesign the external website with a planned launch date of July 2021.


Web traffic increases

WSDOT's travel information website had about 192 million page views during the 2019 reporting period, up 54.8% from approximately 124 million views in the last reporting period. Severe weather events during February 2019 resulted in increased traffic. People viewed the website to check pass conditions, cameras, and traffic alerts.

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